AEM - Agricultural Environmental Management
Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) in Washington County is a voluntary, incentive based program that helps farms operate environmentally sound and economically viable business. The program coordinates ag producers, consultants and engineers with agency staff from the SWCD, State Soil & Water Conservation Committee, and NYS-DEC to evaluate, plan, fund and implement the needs of participating farms.
We have been assisting Washington County farmers through the AEM planning process since 1997. Many of the early participants were larger CAFO farms required to comply with state and federal regulations. However, the program now encompasses all levels of agriculture in the county.
AEM links farmers to the following funding opportunities to assist with implementation costs:
- NYS Ag Nonpoint Source Abatement & Control Program
- NYS Farmland Viability Grants
- NYS Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA)
- USDA Farm Bill programs, such as EQIP and CRP
AEM is a Tiered Approach
Tier 1 – Inventory current activities, interests, and potential environmental concerns of the farmer.
Tier 2 – Document current environmental stewardship and assess and prioritize areas of concern.
Tier 3 – Develop conservation plans addressing concerns and opportunities tailored to farm goals.
Tier 4 – Implement plans using available educational, technical, and financial assistance.
Tier 5 – Evaluate practices and plans for conservation and farm viability.
CAFO - Concentrated Animal Feeding Area
A CAFO in New York State meets certain animal size thresholds and is regulated by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. NYSDEC CAFO Info
Soil and Water Conservation Dsitricts work with CAFOs to mitigate non-point source pollution through our AEM Program; but the AEM program is available for farms of all sizes!
Cover Crops
Cover Crops are commonly used by farms to keep soils in place after main crops have been harvested. Farms will choose different seed mixes depending on soil needs. Cover crops will reduce erosion, crowd out weeds, control pests, and overall improve the soil health.
Soil Sampling
As a part of the AEM Program, Washington County SWCD will come take soil samples to help landowners understand the needs of their soil and determine next steps in nutrient management planning.
Soil samples are tested by Dairy One.
Dairy One Pick-up Shed